
  • Pandas is a Python based data manipulation tool

Importing and getting started

  • import pandas as pd


  • Two main data types:
    • pd.Series: one dimensional array
    • pd.DataFrame: two dimensional array

Importing & exporting data

  • pd.read_csv("path/filename.csv"): imports your CSV file as a DataFrame
  • pd.to_csv("filename.csv"): exports your DataFrame as CSV

Describing data

  • .dtypes: shows what datatype each column contains
  • .describe(): returns a quick statistical overview of the numerical columns
  • .info(): shows some useful information about a DataFrame like how many rows there are, whether there are missing values, the datatype of each column
  • Statistical methods
    • .mean(), .sum()
  • .columns: shows all the columns of the DataFrame
  • .index: shows the values in a DataFrame’s index
  • len(DataFrame): shows the length (number of rows) of a DataFrame

Viewing & selecting data

  • DataFrame.head()
  • DataFrame.tail()
  • DataFrame.loc[]: accesses a group of rows and columns by labels or a boolean array
  • DataFrame.iloc[]: accesses a group of rows and columns by integer indices
  • DataFrame['column name']
  • DataFrame['column name'] > 5: filters and shows only the rows that meet the condition
  • DataFrame.plot()
  • DataFrame.hist()
  • pd.crosstab: computes a cross-tabulation of two or more factors

Manipulating data

  • .fillna(): fills in missing data
  • .dropna(): removes all data that has missing values
  • .drop('column name', axis=1): removes the specified column
  • .sample(frac=1): randomly samples different rows from a DataFrame and the frac parameter indicates the fraction of rows (1=100%, 0.5=50%, and so on)
  • sample(n=1): same as above, but you can specify the number of rows to sample instead of the percentage by using the n parameter
  • reset_index(): adds a new column of indices
  • .apply(lambda x: x / 1.6) converts the values from km to mi

Other functions & methods

  • DataFrame[column].cumsum(): cumulative sum of specified column
  • pd.date_range("1/1/2020", periods): periods is how many entries