Basic Tags

  • <h1></h1> header 1 (goes up to 6)
  • <p></p> paragraph
  • lorem + tab will automatically create a sample paragraph
  • <strong></strong> bold
  • <em></em> emphasized (ie. Italic)
  • <ol></ol> ordered list, <ul></ul> unordered list
    • <li></li> list items

Self Closing Tags

  • <br> break
  • <hr> horizontal line
  • <img src="" width="40" height="40"> image

Anchor Tag

  • <a href="newpage.html">New Page</a>
    • You can wrap other basic tags with the anchor tag to link to other pages

Student Q&A

Why index.html?

  • By default, most servers return the index.html first so it’s good practice

Relative vs Absolute Path

  • Relative path: relative to where the current file is
  • Absolute path: no matter where you reference it, it will take you there


  • Semantic elements are added in HTML5
  • For more info check out w3schools

HTML Forms

  • <form></form>
    • <input type=“text” required>
    • <input type=“email” required>
    • <input type=“password” min=“5”>
    • <input type=“submit” value=“Register”>
    • <input type=“reset”>
    • <input type=“date”>
    • <input type=“radio” name=“gender”>
    • <input type=“checkbox”>
    • <select multiple>
      • <option value="">
  • <!-- Comment -->

Tags that’ll be relevant with CSS

  • <div> block element
  • <span> inline element