
  • NumPy stands for numerical Python and it turns data into numbers that the computer can analyze to find patterns
  • We use NumPy because it’s fast and it’s optimized using C in the background

Data Types and Attributes

ndarray: n-dimensional array

  • .ndim: number of dimensions
  • .dtype: datatype
  • .shape: tells you the shape (row, column, beyond)
  • .size: how many elements in the array
import numpy as np
# 1 dimensional array 
a1 = np.array([1,2,3])
# 2 dimensional array
a2 = np.array([[1,2,3],
# 3 dimensional array 
a3 = np.array([[[1,2,3],

Creating arrays

  • shift + tab in jupyter notebook will show you the info from the documentation
  • np.ones(shape): array in the shape specified filled with ones
  • np.zeros(shape): array in the shape specified filled with zeros
  • np.arange(start,stop,step)
  • np.random.randint(low,high,shape)
  • np.random.random(shape)

Random Seed

  • Note: random numbers are pseudo-random
  • np.random.seed(seed=num): allows you to randomly generate things in a reproducible way

Viewing arrays and matrices

  • np.unique(array): returns the unique values of the array
  • You can index and slice the arrays like you would normally in Python lists
  • Tip: the last number in the shape is usually the inner-most array size

Manipulating & comparing arrays

  • arr1 + arr2 or np.add(arr1, arr2): adds the two arrays together
  • Most standard arithmetic is compatible with arrays as well
  • Important note: Not all shapes are compatible for arithmetic though so keep that in mind!
    • The term for shape compatibility is broadcasting
  • Dimensions are compatible if:
    • they are equal to each other
    • one of the numbers is 1


  • Aggregation is performing the same operation on a number of objects
  • sum(arr1) vs np.sum(arr1)
    • Use the Python operation on Python datatypes and the NumPy operations on NumPy operations
  • np.mean()
  • np.max()
  • np.min()
  • np.std(): standard deviation
    • Standard deviation: measure of how spread out a group of numbers is from the mean (square root of the variance)
  • np.var(): variance
    • Variance: measure of the average degree to which each number is different to the mean (ie: Higher variance = wider range of numbers)

Reshaping & transposing arrays

  • .reshape(shape): reshapes the array to the desired shape
  • .T: transposes the array meaning that it swaps the axises

Dot product

  •, arr2): dot product aka matrix multiplication
    • Requirement: the inside numbers of the shape have to be equal
    • Result: produces a matrix that’s the shape of the outside numbers

Sorting arrays

  • np.sort(arr): sorts each row
  • np.argsort(arr): tells you the index the value will be when sorted
  • np.argmin(arr,axis), np.argmax(arr,axis): finds the minimum or maximum value in the specified axis. Axises are “flipped”:
    • axis=0 looks at the columns
    • axis=1 looks at the rows

Practical example: turn an image into NumPy array

from matplotlib.image import imread
# turn panda image into an array 
panda = imread("file-name.png")

Other methods & functions

  • np.linespace() returns evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval
  • np.random.radn(size) creates a data set that has a normal distribution