Machine learning diagram

Types of machine learning

  • Supervised
    • Classification
    • Regression
  • Unsupervised
    • Clustering
    • Association
  • Reinforcement
    • Skill acquisition
    • Real time learning

What is machine learning

  • The process of taking data into an algorithm or model to detect patters in order to predict future outcomes
  • Example of normal algorithm vs machine learning algorithm
    • normal algorithm will get the ingredients and instructions to create the output
    • machine learning algorithms get the ingredients and the output, so it has to figure out what happened in between
  • Data analysis: analyzes and visualizes the data in order to find patterns and understand it better
  • Data science: running experiments to find actionable findings

Exercise: what is machine learning in your own words?

  • Machine learning is a word used to describe the process in which computers take in data and analyze it to derive meaningful patterns out of them using different models and algorithms.