About this page

Hey there! I’m Meg, and welcome to my developer notes page! This site is where I will be publishing my learnings and findings to the internet in order to practice “learning in public.” I already have a YouTube channel where I share content on productivity and my life, but I wanted a dedicated place to consolidate my journey and findings as a developer. Hence, this page!

This page is made using Obsidian, Quartz, and GitHub pages. For more about how I did this, check out my notes about it here: Obsidian X Quartz X GitHub Pages. Otherwise, enjoy wandering the somewhat chaotic documentation of my personal developer journey :))

  • I. journal: my journal entries where I share what I learned that day
  • II. courses: list of the courses I’ve taken; great way to navigate my notes topically
  • III. notes: my notes with no particular organization
  • IV. projects: my project notes